Expose Excellence Enrichment Programs

Expose Excellence assists in advocating for the youth by accessing educational resources and overcoming barriers to enrichment opportunities. The intention of the Expose Excellence Youth Outreach Program is to ensure that youth have the skills, knowledge, and support needed to encourage self-efficacy and a sense one belonging in their community. These top important goals drive our programming: to help youth achieve healthy lives, succeed academically, and acquire the life skills needed to prepare them for adulthood. The Expose Excellence Youth Program strives to establish partnerships with Fort Bend schools, churches, and local community organizations to reach all youth and provide the services needed.

All programs are not one size fits all. In order to make the greatest impact, youth programs must fit the needs of the student demographic and environment. The programs and curriculum we provide are created to be tailored to specific groups with specific needs. They can be offered in school, after school, and in some cases over the weekend.

Why Are Youth Programs Needed?

Positive youth development programs strengthen young people’s sense of identity, belief in the future, self-regulation, and self-efficacy as well as their social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral competence. Youth enrichment programs often provide the skills and education that is not normally included in the school curriculum. These programs also have the potential to prevent substance use and violence behaviors that contribute to risky behaviors and are associated with improvements in academic performance. In Expose Excellence Youth Program we want youth to be able to interact with each other while learning a new skill in areas that interest them.

Leadership Development Program

Today’s youth will be the future leaders of tomorrow. The Expose Excellence Leadership Program provides youth with necessary skills, experiences, and exposure to the qualities and characteristics needed to become adult leaders. According to the NCWD (The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth), the definition of youth leadership is:
(1) “The ability to guide or direct others on a course of action, influence the opinion and behavior of other people, and show the way by going in advance”
(2) “The ability to analyze one’s own strengths and weaknesses, set personal and vocational goals, and have the self-esteem to carry them out. It includes the ability to identify community resources and use them, not only to live independently, but also to establish support networks to participate in community life and to effect positive social change”
Students in the leadership program will tap into their inner leader and get to use these skills among their peers, friends, and community.

Program Structure

  • 10-15 hand selected students in grades 9-11
  • Nomination by school counselors or campus College & Career Readiness advisors for demonstrating leadership skills on campus, good conduct, and/or exceptional academic performance
  • 8-10 on campus sessions per semester with Expose Excellence Coordinator and or/professional guests
  • Will meet one day a week, during school hours or after school, in designated location on campus
  • Each session ranges from 60 to 120 minutes
  • May include field trips and weekend events depending on availability and scheduling

Outcomes and Expectations for Students

Students who participate in the Expose Excellence will be able to:

  • Identify the socioemotional components of effective leadership
  • Obtain certification or professional portfolio useful for future employment
  • Build their resume and gain professional development skills
  • Network among elected officials and decision makers
  • Demonstrate healthy communication skills
  • Participate in volunteer activities to fulfill their civic duties
  • Become leaders in their school and communities
  • Receive letters of recommendation from Expose Excellence program coordinators

Anti-Bullying Program

The transition from 8th grade to 9th grade can be very difficult and adapting to a new environment is not easy. The anti-bullying program is specifically designed for 8th grade students who will be entering high school and for 9th graders who have just entered high school. This program provides the students with the education to help raise awareness to the risks of bullying and create effective solutions. Students who participate in this program will have the tools needed to intervene in the bullying done middle school as the older kids, and be able to stand up for themselves and for others.

Program Structure

  • 10-15 hand students in 8th or 9th Grade
  • Nomination by school counselors or students who show interest in participating in program
  • Six on campus sessions per semester with Expose Excellence Coordinator and or/professional guests
  • Will meet one day a week, during school hours or after school, in designated location on campus
  • Each session ranges from 60 to 120 minutes

Outcomes and Expectations for Students
Students who participate in the Expose Excellence will be able to:

  • Define what bullying is and identify the different forms of bullying
  • Understand the meaning if cyberbullying, how social media contributes to it, and the consequences of it.
  • Learn about the “Zero Tolerance” bullying policy and why it was put in place in schools
  • Spot bullying among their peers and classmates so they can name ways to reduce bullying in their school setting
  • Learn about the various ways to practice coping skills and explore self-awareness
  • Advocate for their school and use their voices to stand up against bullies and bullying

Art Exploration Program

Art education connects students with their own culture as well as with the wider world. Students in the EEYP Art Exploration Program will be able to develop their artistic self-expression by participating in sessions focused on different forms of art each week. They will learn about drawing, painting, photography, musical elements, and performing arts. Students will explore art through fun and educational activities, while working on a final art piece to display at the closing exhibition of the program. Special guest artists will give professional and knowledgeable insight to help the students with their artistic ability and creative expression.


Program Structure

  • 10-15 students in grades 9-12
  • Students must shows an interest and passion in various ways of artistic expression
  • 10 sessions including an end of program art exhibition
  • Sessions will be held on campus during or after school hours, in a designated location
  • Sessions will meet once a week and last between 90 and 120 minutes
  • Sessions will be guided by an Expose Excellence Coordinator and/or special guest artists


Outcomes & Expectations

Students who participate in EEYP’s Art Exploration Program will:

  • Learn what it means to have positive self-expression through art
  • Gain skills to improve their artistic ability
  • Be able to explain and make sense of their personal creative processes
  • Build confidence in performing and presenting in front of an audience
  • Network with experienced artists in their community
  • Create a final artwork project to share among family and friends

Journalism Program

The Expose Excellence Youth Program Journalism Academy aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed in the field of journalism. Students will learn how to write effectively and
with purpose. Students will understand different types of writing and why it is used. Participants in the program will be given writing tasks weekly, a broadcasting assignment and will be given a final project that will include their writing samples.

Program Structure

  • 10-14 students in grades 9-11
  • Chosen by English/Language Arts
  • 8-10 on campus sessions per semester
  • Meet one day a week

Outcomes and Expectations
Students who participate in the expose excellence youth program journalism academy will be able to:

  • Identify different types of journalism
  • Be able to write with purpose
  • Network with peers who are interested in the same field
  • Improve communication and writing skills
  • Participate in activities that will improve critical thinking skill
  • Research independently and accurately


If you are interested in bringing Expose Excellence Programs to your school, please contact Juno Okoro at [email protected].